Monday, December 13, 2010


Manage School
Manage Work
Manage Commuting
Manage TV
Manage Drinking
Manage Partying
Manage Girls
Manage Bills
Manage Parents
Manage Friends
Manage Boss
Manage Bosses
Manage Boss's Attitudes
Manage Managers Over Managing Me
Manage Future
Manage World
Manage Life.......

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The entire blog idea was a wonderful way for the students to express their feelings if they were not a vocal person in class. I feel like since the world is now geared so highly towards a computer friendly environment anything that makes students spend time on the computer in an educational manner benefits us the most. I feel that I did not go on other peoples blogs often enough to really reach out and be influenced by others ideas. Although in the aspect of learning from our group projects and having to write about them in this creative way, instead of boring written assignments that had to be handed in or something, the blog was a quick and easy way to help along with our grade. I plan on possibly continuing my blog for the future although i want to make it more or less my own and not only about management. Unfortunately since i am not a computer savvy person its a little hard to navigate around this blog and make it truly my own. But all in all i liked the idea and it made for an easier way to make a good grade.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Compact DISC....

This was quite the class lesson, i learned a lot about myself during this class activity. The test was accurate although i wish i had a little bit more time to decide what words to choose. Being an "I" type of person is definitely correct, and i don't think i would have wanted to be another type (no disrespect to the others but i think I'm right where i should be). The test is a pretty accurate depiction of people but i don't think you should use the test to hire someone or not hire someone. But to use this as a interaction tool could possibly work for the best.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I have never really been a fan of making future goals or having visions. I feel like in my life they changed way to often to keep them. Although just recently I have been re-evaluating my life and possibly where my future may be leading me. I've come up with a few that may have just become some long term goals.
1. Compete in an Iron Man
2. Finish Writing a Book
3. Climb Mount Everest
I have chosen these three goals in this specific order and for a reason. I firmly believe that in order to climb everest you need to be mentally and physically in shape. That also goes along with competing in an iron man competition. So i have decided to start training in January of this year for the iron man, my friend and i will be doing it together to make it a little easier. Along the training will be some marathons and other  competitive events. The time line of how long this is going to take is still unknown it may take a few years but will be worth it in the end. After competing i will take training a little less intense and mentally prepare my self to finish writing a book. About what i have no idea. Then lastly i want to climb mount everest. This is one of the only visions i have had for a long time. It may not be achievable but it is something to shoot for. And although it may never be done there is always a possibility. Its something that has always marveled me that man can actually climb this giant piece of land, and i would like to do it someday.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chaos? Of Course.

There really was about 1000 ways for this class to have ended up. Although as a class full of potential "future Managers" it went exactly the way it should have, aside from a few differences. Surprisingly not as many people jumped to the front of the class to assume immediate "Boss/Leader" figure. Only one guy jumped up immediately to sort the situation, he tried his best but a class full of 60 students mostly all with low scores he wasn't going to last long by himself. I think we should have broken up into groups according to the section on the test we each did poorly on. This way that group will have the same emotions on that particular section of the test thus making all sections of the next test weighted towards a better solution. The coordination in this class activity was poor, and except from the few vocal people in the class, most people were left stranded and just went along with it. Now, I am a vocal person and cared tremendously about my grade but I did sit this one out. I chose the "avoidance" part of the decision making process not because I thought i had no chance of winning, because truthfully I wanted to see how this was going to unfold. I figured that blood was going to be shed and fist were going to be thrown towards the end! Time was the biggest issue i think, the first 12 minutes were a whole lot of nothing. It was when too many people finally decided to take initiative and come to the front of the class that chaos ensued. Then coming down to the end was when people actually started to care and make quick decisions based on their own feelings. Unity was the major missing link in this class activity, too many people out for themselves and not for the class. Am I mad? no, If i was mad about the decisions that were made I would have voiced an opinion. I'm more ashamed that a class full of college students where the Professor literally let us take control of HIS class for 20 minutes and decide the future of our grades. And all we came up with was more essays and a dropped test grade if wanted! Hey thats college right? No its not, we should be lucky he let us do this, and maybe tried for more? who knows either way it was fun and a good learning experience. Thanks!

Monday, October 11, 2010


This Sounded like a great class! Although I was unfortunate and did not attend that day, so I will not be writing anything about it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Culture in a Culture Filled City!

How can anyone say they have no experience with culture! New York may have the vision and reputation of this mean city filled with robbers and creepy people in ally ways. But truthfully take a look at the world inside this city. Every corner you turn there is something or someone of some ethnicity doing something different. This past week especially with the UN in town, people supporting their countries all over the city were flying flags and holding giant posters of there supported leaders. I don't travel often and when I do its usually inside the US so for me to say that I have traveled to some 3rd world country and lived their lives is a lie. I would love to travel to a country that I have never been before and live with people who I cant even speak their language. How many times am I on the subway and see people from different countries who have no idea where they are going, imagine us in there world its probably even worse. I barely know the subways now and i live here! If your really feeling the need for some culture realize we have countries in our own city. Chinatown, Little Italy etc. I have been there thousands of times each and every-time is a new learning experience. I have learned the speed and necessity of people in Chinatown and the ease of time the people in little Italy have. Chinatown houses some of the best food in the city and that is one thing I am sure of their culture they love to cook and man is it good! I guess you can say the same of little Italy, although the feast and the fried food is really not too good for the heart. The wine on the other hand is a different story! Is this a true depiction of how their countries are I have no idea but maybe if I go to either one ill have a step on other people. I love New York just for this simple reason its a world inside of its own City! Thanks Again!